Tuesday, March 12, 2019

TCP SYN Flood Attack , IP and Packets Spoofing ( DDoS)

TCP SYN Flood Attack

A SYN flood (half-open attack) is a type of denial-of-service (DDoS) attack which aims to make a server unavailable to legitimate traffic by consuming all available server resources. By repeatedly sending initial connection request (SYN) packets, the attacker is able to overwhelm all available ports on a targeted server machine, causing the targeted device to respond to legitimate traffic sluggishly or not at all.

Forged packets - Packet injection

Packet injection (also known as forging packets or spoofing packets) in computer networking, is the process of interfering with an established network connection by means of constructing packets to appear as if they are part of the normal communication stream. The packet injection process allows an unknown third party to disrupt or intercept packets from the consenting parties that are communicating, which can lead to degradation or blockage of users' ability to utilize certain network services or protocols. Packet injection is commonly used in man-in-the-middle attacks and denial-of-service attacks. 

By utilizing raw sockets, NDIS function calls, or direct access to a network adapter kernel mode driver, arbitrary packets can be constructed and injected into a computer network. These arbitrary packets can be constructed from any type of packet protocol (ICMP, TCP, UDP, and others) since there is full control over the packet header while the packet is being assembled.

General procedure packet injection :
  • Create a raw socket
  • Create an Ethernet header in memory
  • Create an IP header in memory
  • Create a TCP header or UDP header in memory
  • Create the injected data in memory
  • Assemble (concatenate) the headers and data together to form an injection packet
  • Compute the correct IP and TCP or UDP packet checksums
  • Send the packet to the raw socket
Packet injection has been used for :
  • Disrupting certain services (file sharing or HTTP) by Internet service providers and wireless access points
  • Compromising wireless access points and circumventing their security
  • Exploiting certain functionality in online games
  • Determining the presence of internet censorship
  • Allows for custom packet designers to test their custom packets by directly placing them onto a computer network
  • Simulation of specific network traffic and scenarios
  • Testing of network firewalls and intrusion detection systems
  • Computer network auditing and troubleshooting computer network related issues 
Detecting packet injection :

Through the process of running a packet analyzer or packet sniffer on both network service access points trying to establish communication, the results can be compared. If point A has no record of sending certain packets that show up in the log at point B, and vice versa, then the packet log inconsistencies show that those packets have been forged and injected by an intermediary access point. Usually TCP resets are sent to both access points to disrupt communication

 IP spoofing


  • IP spoofing is the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets which have a modified source address in order to either hide the identity of the sender, to impersonate another computer system, or both. It is a technique often used by bad actors to invoke DDoS attacks against a target device or the surrounding infrastructure.
  • Sending and receiving IP packets is a primary way in which networked computers and other devices communicate, and constitutes the basis of the modern internet. All IP packets contain a header which precedes the body of the packet and contains important routing information, including the source address. In a normal packet, the source IP address is the address of the sender of the packet. If the packet has been spoofed, the source address will be forged.

  • IP Spoofing is analogous to an attacker sending a package to someone with the wrong return address listed. If the person receiving the package wants to stop the sender from sending packages, blocking all packages from the bogus address will do little good, as the return address is easily changed. Relatedly, if the receiver wants to respond to the return address, their response package will go somewhere other than to the real sender. The ability to spoof the addresses of packets is a core vulnerability exploited by many DDoS attacks.
  • DDoS attacks will often utilize spoofing with a goal of overwhelming a target with traffic while masking the identity of the malicious source, preventing mitigation efforts. If the source IP address is falsified and continuously randomized, blocking malicious requests becomes difficult. IP spoofing also makes it tough for law enforcement and cyber security teams to track down the perpetrator of the attack.
  • spoofing is also used to masquerade as another device so that responses are sent to that targeted device instead. Volumetric attacks such as NTP Amplification and DNS amplification make use of this vulnerability. The ability to modify the source IP is inherent to the design of TCP/IP, making it an ongoing security concern.
  • Tangential to DDoS attacks, spoofing can also be done with the aim of masquerading as another device in order to sidestep authentication and gain access to or “hijack” a user’s session.

Protect against IP spoofing (packet filtering)

  • While IP spoofing can’t be prevented, measures can be taken to stop spoofed packets from infiltrating a network. A very common defense against spoofing is ingress filtering, outlined in BCP38 (a Best Common Practice document). Ingress filtering is a form of packet filtering usually implemented on a network edge device which examines incoming IP packets and looks at their source headers. If the source headers on those packets don’t match their origin or they otherwise look fishy, the packets are rejected. Some networks will also implement egress filtering, which looks at IP packets exiting the network, ensuring that those packets have legitimate source headers to prevent someone within the network from launching an outbound malicious attack using IP spoofing. 

How does a SYN flood attack work?

SYN flood attacks work by exploiting the handshake process of a TCP connection. Under normal conditions, TCP connection exhibits three distinct processes in order to make a connection.
  • First, the client sends a SYN packet to the server in order to initiate the connection.
  • The server than responds to that initial packet with a SYN/ACK packet, in order to acknowledge the communication.
  • Finally, the client returns an ACK packet to acknowledge the receipt of the packet from the server. After completing this sequence of packet sending and receiving, the TCP connection is open and able to send and receive data.

To create denial-of-service, an attacker exploits the fact that after an initial SYN packet has been received, the server will respond back with one or more SYN/ACK packets and wait for the final step in the handshake. Here’s how it works:
  • The attacker sends a high volume of SYN packets to the targeted server, often with spoofed IP addresses.
  • The server then responds to each one of the connection requests and leaves an open port ready to receive the response.
  • While the server waits for the final ACK packet, which never arrives, the attacker continues to send more SYN packets. The arrival of each new SYN packet causes the server to temporarily maintain a new open port connection for a certain length of time, and once all the available ports have been utilized the server is unable to function normally.

In networking, when a server is leaving a connection open but the machine on the other side of the connection is not, the connection is considered half-open. In this type of DDoS attack, the targeted server is continuously leaving open connections and waiting for each connection to timeout before the ports become available again. The result is that this type of attack can be considered a “half-open attack”.

A SYN flood can occur in three different ways:

  • Direct attack: A SYN flood where the IP address is not spoofed is known as a direct attack. In this attack, the attacker does not mask their IP address at all. As a result of the attacker using a single source device with a real IP address to create the attack, the attacker is highly vulnerable to discovery and mitigation. In order to create the half-open state on the targeted machine, the hacker prevents their machine from responding to the server’s SYN-ACK packets. This is often achieved by firewall rules that stop outgoing packets other than SYN packets or by filtering out any incoming SYN-ACK packets before they reach the malicious users machine. In practice this method is used rarely (if ever), as mitigation is fairly straightforward – just block the IP address of each malicious system. If the attacker is using a botnet such as the Mirai botnet they won’t care about masking the IP of the infected device.
  • Spoofed Attack: A malicious user can also spoof the IP address on each SYN packet they send in order to inhibit mitigation efforts and make their identity more difficult to discover. While the packets may be spoofed, those packets can potentially be traced back to their source. It’s difficult to do this sort of detective work but it’s not impossible, especially if Internet service providers (ISPs) are willing to help.
  • Distributed attack (DDoS): If an attack is created using a botnet the likelihood of tracking the attack back to its source is low. For an added level of obfuscation, an attacker may have each distributed device also spoof the IP addresses from which it sends packets. If the attacker is using a botnet such as the Mirai botnet, they generally won’t care about masking the IP of the infected device.
By using a SYN flood attack, a bad actor can attempt to create denial-of-service in a target device or service with substantially less traffic than other DDoS attacks. Instead of volumetric attacks, which aim to saturate the network infrastructure surrounding the target, SYN attacks only need to be larger than the available backlog in the target’s operating system. If the attacker is able to determine the size of the backlog and how long each connection will be left open before timing out, the attacker can target the exact parameters needed to disable the system, thereby reducing the total traffic to the minimum necessary amount to create denial-of-service.

Methods Of Mitigation SYN flood attack :


While modern operating systems are better equipped to manage resources, which makes it more difficult to overflow connection tables, servers are still vulnerable to SYN flood attacks.
There are a number of common techniques to mitigate SYN flood attacks, including:
  • Micro blocks : Administrators can allocate a micro-record (as few as 16 bytes) in the server memory for each incoming SYN request instead of a complete connection object.
  • SYN cookies : Using cryptographic hashing, the server sends its SYN-ACK response with a sequence number (seqno) that is constructed from the client IP address, port number, and possibly other unique identifying information. When the client responds, this hash is included in the ACK packet. The server verifies the ACK, and only then allocates memory for the connection.
  • RST cookies : For the first request from a given client, the server intentionally sends an invalid SYN-ACK. This should result in the client generating an RST packet, which tells the server something is wrong. If this is received, the server knows the request is legitimate, logs the client, and accepts subsequent incoming connections from it.
  • Stack tweaking : Administrators can tweak TCP stacks to mitigate the effect of SYN floods. This can either involve reducing the timeout until a stack frees memory allocated to a connection, or selectively dropping incoming connections.
  • Increasing Backlog queue : Each operating system on a targeted device has a certain number of half-open connections that it will allow. One response to high volumes of SYN packets is to increase the maximum number of possible half-open connections the operating system will allow. In order to successfully increase the maximum backlog, the system must reserve additional memory resources to deal with all the new requests. If the system does not have enough memory to be able to handle the increased backlog queue size, system performance will be negatively impacted, but that still may be better than denial-of-service.
  • Recycling the Oldest Half-Open TCP connection : Another mitigation strategy involves overwriting the oldest half-open connection once the backlog has been filled. This strategy requires that the legitimate connections can be fully established in less time than the backlog can be filled with malicious SYN packets. This particular defense fails when the attack volume is increased, or if the backlog size is too small to be practical.


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